Student Chapters


2023-2024 AAPS Student Chapter Renewal Submissions Due November 22, 2023!

Any chapter who submits ALL completed renewal documents accurately and in their entirety by November 22, 2023, will receive $750. Those chapters that do not submit all of the completed documents by November 22, but complete the process by December 21, 2023, will receive $500. For an overview of the process, please review the Student Chapter checklist.

Any chapter that does not submit all the completed documents by December 21, will be considered delinquent and will not be eligible for a stipend.

Access the chapter renewal submission site and apply now.

Chapter Renewal Documents:

  • To download a .zip file of the US chapter forms, please click here.
  • To download a .zip file of the International chapter forms, please click here.

Participate in the Visiting Scientist Program!

The Visiting Scientist Program connects pharmaceutical scientists with students to share their knowledge and experiences. Volunteers may arrange to visit a college in-person or virtually.


  • Expose students to career opportunities in the pharmaceutical sciences.
  • Provide colleges and their faculty with access to scientists with working expertise.
  • Increase communication and foster information exchange between students and professionals working in the pharmaceutical sciences.
  • Convey to students and faculty the complexities, opportunities, challenges, and costs associated with drug discovery, development, production, quality control, and marketing.  

Experienced scientists from all disciplines related to the pharmaceutical sciences are invited to participate.

Learn more by reading the program description and guidelines.

Apply today!

Application for Scientists

Application for Colleges

The AAPS Student Program Support Committee will match scientists with colleges based on their applications and connect the two parties to arrange a mutually agreeable schedule for the virtual event or in-person visit. The committee will do its best to create a mutually beneficial match.


Email the AAPS Membership Department or call +1.877.998.2277 for assistance.

Student Chapter Award

Nominate your student chapter for its exceptional service!

Each year, AAPS’ Student Chapter Award recognizes the chapters that have provided exceptional service and outreach to the next generation of scientists and pharmaceutical professionals.

Chapters at schools and universities around the globe help students connect with AAPS member scientists, build their professional networks, and tap into meaningful career advice.

Visit the Awards Video Gallery webpage to view the most recent honorees and learn about their activities.

Student Chapter leaders may nominate their chapter for the AAPS Student Chapter Award. Visit the AAPS Awards webpage and review the Awards Guide to learn about the nomination requirements and how to submit your nomination. 

Have questions? Email Awards and Fellows Coordinator Joy Davis or call her directly at +1.703.248.4702.