What is AAPS OPEN?
Fully peer-reviewed, AAPS Open welcomes reports from experimental or theoretical studies during the entire course of development of a drug candidate, for both synthetic drugs as well as biopharmaceutical products including vaccines, cell and gene therapeutics, and other new modalities such as nucleotide-based therapeutics.
The journal’s interest in drug development research includes - but is not limited to - drug discovery, translational research, preclinical studies, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics studies, formulation design and stability testing, drug delivery and drug administration including all aspects around combination products, analytical assay development and validation, modeling and simulation approaches, mechanistic studies, drug substance and drug product manufacturing, clinical evaluation, as well as regulatory topics or post-launch activities.
AAPS Open specifically welcomes white papers, commentaries, and perspectives from experts in their field, as well as meeting reports, and review or brief review articles. For reports of primary research, a high degree of innovation is required.
Member Discount Available
AAPS has partnered with Springer Nature Author Services to provide English language editing, translation, and illustration services to all AAPS members. Springer Nature Author Services has helped thousands of researchers around the world to present their research in polished English suitable for publication in top journals.

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How can I publish in AAPS Open?
AAPS Open is now accepting submissions!. Please view the submission guidelines.
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How much does it cost to publish in AAPS Open?
There are no fees to submit. The cost to publish is $1,990 US.
Why publish in AAPS Open?
High visibility: AAPS Open's open access policy allows maximum visibility of articles published in the journal as they are available to a wide, global audience.
Speed of publication: AAPS Open offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in PDF form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in both fully browsable web form, and as a formatted PDF; the article will then be available through AAPS Open and SpringerOpen.
Flexibility: Online publication in AAPS Open gives you the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links (for example, to PubMed, to sequence and other databases, and to other articles).
Promotion and press coverage: Articles published in AAPS Open are included in article alerts and regular email updates. In addition, articles published in AAPS Open may be promoted by press releases to the general or scientific press. These activities increase the exposure and number of accesses for articles published in AAPS Open.
Copyright: Authors of articles published in AAPS Open retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work (for further details, see the copyright and license agreement).
Review of Opinions and Summary Reports Guideline
The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) has established a position of leadership among pharmaceutical scientists such that the opinions of AAPS groups and summary reports from AAPS-sponsored events may be disseminated. This guideline provides a general framework by which such opinions should be communicated, posted, or published, and the process by which the association will review such items for approval.
Contact Information:
Email the Senior Publisher Anna Lockhart.