Pharmaceutical Research

Pharmaceutical Research Journal Cover
What is Pharmaceutical Research?

Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN: 0724-8741) presents papers which describe innovative research spanning the entire spectrum of drug discovery, development, evaluation, and regulatory approval. Small drug molecules, biotechnology products including genes, peptides, proteins and vaccines, and genetically engineered cells are an integral part of papers published here. Current emphasis of the journal includes the following areas: preformulation; drug delivery and targeting; formulation design, engineering, and processing; pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenomics; molecular biopharmaceutics and drug disposition; and computational biopharmaceutics, among others.

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Pharmaceutical Research High Impact Article (2024)

Authors: Jiaxing Di, Zhili Du, Kangzeng Wu, Ph.D., Shanshan Jin, Xun Wang, Tonglei Li, Ph.D. and Yuhong Xu, Ph.D.

Biodistribution and Non-linear Gene Expression of mRNA LNPs Affected by Delivery Route and Particle Size

Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 39, pages 105–114

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