The AAPS Journal, an official journal of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), publishes novel and significant findings in the various areas of pharmaceutical sciences impacting human and veterinary therapeutics, including:
- Drug Design and Discovery
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Biopharmaceutics, Formulation, and Drug Delivery
- Metabolism and Transport
- Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacometrics
- Translational Research
- Clinical Evaluations and Therapeutic Outcomes
- Regulatory Science
- Pharmaceutical Analysis
We invite submissions under the following article types:
- Original Research Articles
- Reviews and Mini-reviews
- White Papers, Commentaries, and Editorials
- Letter to the Editors
- Meeting Reports
- Brief/Technical Reports and Rapid Communications
- Regulatory Notes
- Tutorials
- Protocols in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
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The AAPS Journal uses Editorial Manager as its peer-review tracking system. Manuscripts must be submitted by the corresponding author through Editorial Manager. You may be required to register as a new user with Editorial Manager upon your first visit. Straightforward login and registration procedures can be found on the website. Editorial Manager allows authors to track the progress of manuscript review in real time. Detailed, step-by-step instructions for submitting manuscripts can be found in Editorial Manager.
1. Read The AAPS Journal Instructions for Authors
2. Read the AAPS Journals Ethics Policy
3. Submit and track your manuscript through Editorial Manager
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Reviewers are selected through identification of their pertinent expertise via their recent publications, both in The AAPS Journal and as accessed through indices such as PUBMED and MEDLINE. Authors may also recommend reviewers, but reviewer selection is ultimately at the editor's discretion.
Already a reviewer? Learn more from these tips and resources.
Thank you to the esteemed pharmaceutical scientists who reviewed manuscripts for The AAPS Journal.
View the list of 2020 Reviewers (PDF)
Review of Opinions and Summary Reports Guideline
The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) has established a position of leadership among pharmaceutical scientists such that the opinions of AAPS groups and summary reports from AAPS-sponsored events may be disseminated. This guideline provides a general framework by which such opinions should be communicated, posted, or published, and the process by which the association will review such items for approval.
Contact Information:
The AAPS Journal
Editorial Office
2107 Wilson Blvd, Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201-3042
Tel: +1.703.248.4768
[email protected]