The Best Poster Award
The top posters presented at PharmSci 360 are selected for recognition because of the importance scientifically impactful posters have in advancing the pharmaceutical sciences. Abstracts that are selected for poster presentation at PharmSci 360 offer a key mechanism for scientists to share the recent results of their research with the scientific community. Timely communication of research can have a significant impact on the thoughts and actions of other researchers.
An AAPS member who is the presenting author of a top-rated poster for PharmSci 360.
Number Presented Annually: 3 total
Presentation: PharmSci 360
Award: Acknowledgement during the PharmSci 360 opening session; highlighted in PharmSci 360 attendance materials, such as the mobile app; an invitation to present the winning poster in a special poster collection.
Expectations for Recipient: Participation in PharmSci 360 poster program in year of receipt; presentation of poster at times scheduled by AAPS.
Nomination Type: AAPS will automatically identify candidates from the AAPS Best Abstract Award recipients. Candidates do not complete an application form.
Qualifications for Nomination:
- Must be an AAPS member at time of poster submission
- Must be the presenting author of the poster
- Poster must be submitted by deadline according to the submission process AAPS requires for poster authors
Selection Committee: The Abstract Screening Committee reviews and recommends posters for consideration to the Scientific Advisory Committee, which selects three recipients. Candidates do not complete an application form.
Selection Process:
- Posters are subset based on Best Abstracts and categorized by Track
- Abstract Screening Chairs and Sub-Chairs select the top 3 posters for their Track
- All top posters are ranked by the full Selection Team, which includes the AAPS Awards Committee Chair, AAPS Awards Committee Vice Chair, AAPS Abstract Screening Committee Chairs and Sub-Chairs
- The top three (3) highest ranked posters are awarded the “Best Poster Award”